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February is Black History Month: Buddhist history is Black history. While many say the story of Christ is the Greatest story ever told, the story of the Black Buddha is the greatest untold story in the 21st Century. There is no figure in human history who has more iconic and archaeological ruins than the Buddha. Unknown to almost everybody, "The original Jews were Black Buddhist from India." Tina Turner is the mother to Black Buddhist in America and Barack Obama and Buddhism untold story.

Dr. Carter G. Woodson the father of African/American history published his classic 1933 book "The Mis-Education of the Negro." Woodson notes that American education directs Blacks to move into an inferior position in our society. Anthony Amp Elmore President and Founder of the Proud Black Buddhist world Association teach that Japanese Buddhist teachers purposefully Mis-Educate Black people in regards to not only Black Buddhist history, but to the African presence of Japanese culture & history.

Shakyamuni Buddha is the world's Greatest Black Hero whose Black historical legacy was stolen in plain Daylight by racist Brahmans in India who are the "Fathers of the world's racism." Proud Black Buddhist World Association founder Anthony "Amp" Elmore ( Memphis, TN) launch the movement to fight for the Buddha's True Black legacy fighting "Buddhism's Racism."

Anthony "Amp" Elmore of the Proud Black Buddhist association is re-defining the Buddhist religion from an esoteric "Oriental religion" to a 21st Century religion inclusive of Black history, culture, and science. Black Buddhist promote an activist agenda called "Waking up the world's Bodhisattvas of the earth. The Rap songs says: "we put you guys on alert we are the Bodhisattvas of the Earth."